Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FEATURED 'ZINE - Maribel Abraham

Pages 1 & 2
Maribel Abraham
Pages 3 & 4

Pages 5 & 6

This is suppose to make people see how we need to change the school due to how the students view it. The images on the zine are suppose to show the before and after effects of how the school should be remodeled.

Elizabeth Martinez

This artwork describes what the longer school day brings to students of Chicago. Although students will be more tired in class and frustrated, Chicago has the lowest time in the classroom compared to other major cities. More class time will benefit students whether they like the idea or not. More time in the classroom means more learning and maybe higher test scores. Chicago is one of the lowest preforming school districts in the nation and also has the least amount of time in the classroom. This page in the zine shows that link and provides the idea that maybe more class time with benefit students in the long run.

Gregorio Rojas

This represents the response security guards give when asked if they do their job right. Its questioning how secure students are with security guards present. In majority, students dont feel as safe whether security guards present or not.

Jhonatan Palomar

My zine focuses on why it's important for schools in general to provide new books for the students. Many school, whether Chicago Public Schools or not, believe that old books are the same as old books, hence the title of the zine. I chose this topic because new books are necessary to make a learning progressive and possible for students.

Oliver Valezquez

To say what you mean or others will dictate your life

Jose Corona

My zine is about computers and how they would benifit students while in school. It would make things easier, faster, and more efficient. The animals are just to catch people attention but its about laptops in school.

Elise Alvarez

My zine is meant to represent a variety of Chicago Public School issues. Overall one I found important was the smelly hallways! If I am not in a clean environment, I'd rather not be in school and that affects my education!

Joel Almeida

The meaning of this Zine is how the students feel about how their schools look. Also how they want change and to remodel the school so it can look more presentable.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

'Zine news....

Our Guerrilla Art classes will be giving away free copies of our 'Zines about Public Education at Quimby's Bookstore at:


So head over there, starting this weekend and get one of your own!

Quimby's is Awesome!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Victor Solis

The purpose of the zine is that we need more securities in school because too many accidents, shootouts, and other things that happened because of lack of securities.

Niya Weathers

Within my Zine, I tried to describe the things that are a problem within schools. My motivation in this Zine was to allow students to be active in what goes on within their school and to have a say, because eventually this will effect you. "student Voice" needs to be active in every school because decisions are being made within a school with out the opinions of students which is not something positive to have. Students need to be able to have a say on what goes on and how their education will be effected by these decisions.

Cheyenne Watkins

My Zine was made to show that people need to have more of a voice in society, especially students. I try to show that no matter how hard situations get that speaking up and fighting for what you believe is better then being quiet and ignoring the problems that surround you. In school and in society there are plenty of issues that affect us and we continue to sit back and watch it all happen. I just hope that my Zine expresses my message well enough for the viewer to understand.

Carina Torres

My zine was about how the school needs to tell security to keep on eye on students. We need to stay in school for our own good. But security and the school need to put there part to and help students out.

David Reed

My zine book focuses is on getting the attention gathering new books for our schools. The ones that we have are either too old and outdated or damaged. It would really help if we have new books so that we may have a better education and better tools (such as new books) to learn even better. If we don't get new books now, then when will we?

Mario Ochoa

School need more update books for the students in the schools.

Robert Negrete

The purpose of my Zine was to show how longer school days affects students. I try to show how different affects will result in different outcomes. 

Lynale Kimble

The theme of my ZINE is the many reactions to the extended school day in the eyes of children.

Francisca Gutierrez

This zine is meant to show people how useful laptops can be for educational purposes. To persuade CPS to get laptops instead of pencils and notebooks.

Sydney Gresham

    The message behind my zine is to express the importance for laptops.  Every high school student should receive a laptop for school from the school administration. A laptop would be very valuable in a school environment for both the students academically and for the teachers ability to receive assignments. There would be NO MORE EXCUSES!

Miguel Gonzalez

What this zine is trying to portray is that it's a good idea to have laptops in schools. It's a better way of learning for students and teachers.

Diamond Claybon

The purpose of my Zine is that we are trying to make a the problem of the messy school we are in to become a better environment for the upcoming students and the students who are still in the school and decides to stay there.  I feel as a student of any school our environment should be a clean and well put together environment only because it help me focus more, knowing that I am surrounded by a good environment. 

Joel Alameida

Maribel Abraham

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Here Come The 'Zines!

So sorry for the delay...technical difficulties. However, those are being solved.

We have been creating all along... in fact are on our 3rd Guerrilla Art Action! Other art actions will follow soon after.
So stay tuned!


After the first Chicago Teachers Union Strike in over 20 years, CPS students wanted to know what it was all about. We had a lot of discussions in class about Public School Education issues. Students pointed out that during the strike the T.V. showed a lot of people talking; Mayor Emmanuel, parents, teachers, union, & CPS bosses... but few students. They felt disenfranchised.

So, I asked THE STUDENTS how they felt about their public school education.  What works? What doesn't? What do they see as problems? What do they think are the solutions? Students worked in groups to choose & address issues that mattered to them: smaller class sizes, standardized testing, length of day, resources & equipment, inequity, violence, student voice, and many more.  Students researched their issues for facts, statistics, information, solutions.

Then they created their 'Zines using the collage/cut & paste method. They used Chicago 'Zine culture as example and inspiration. 

The following images are sample pages from each student 'Zine. Copies of the 'Zines have been passed out to a school in Missouri & into the Chicago community where certain lucky people will keep a copy!

We hope that those of you that see the images and/or RECEIVE A 'Zine will:

  1. go to this blogsite (can use the QR code on back of 'Zine or the blogsite URL)
  2. find a sample page from the 'Zine you received
  3. read what the student artist wrote about their issue
  4. submit your own comment 
  5. please be respectful and supportive in your comments
  6. Tell others about it so they can see for themselves!

I want to say thank you to my former student (and amazing artist/advertiser) David Sanchez for designing our QR code sticker that will be attached to all of the artwork we put into the community.

Also a big thank you to my daughter Zoe Xanos (also an amazing artist & computer whiz) for changing the stickers and making them fit the current classes.

Thanks to The Art Institute of Chicago Teacher's Center for all the free copies!!!

Where would I be without such great people to help!

Here come the 'Zines!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Announcing Guerrilla Art Class 2013

We are an unusual class in a Chicago Public School. Our Multi-Media Art class has been adapted to create Guerrilla Artworks. Our goal is to be more than students making art projects. My students are functioning as artists in a collective who will make art that will be put out into the community. Community can be defined as school, neighborhood, city, other states, other countries, cyberspace even!

We create artwork that has specific messages that the students choose. Those messages may be personal, aesthetic, or about social justice. Finished artwork will be displayed into our every day world instead of a gallery space. This way, people moving through their daily lives have access to art at any moment. Viewers are confronted by art when they least expect it. People may see work posted at the grocers, local business, on the street, or even receive an artwork to keep.

We are hoping to engage viewers to not only view our work, but to also respond to the artwork through this blog. Students will regularly blog about their creative process and post images of completed pieces. Viewers are invited to find the artwork they see or receive and post their own comments and/or questions. We hope to create a conversation about art between viewers, blog followers, and the student guerrilla artists.

Please watch for our first project launch - 'Zines!