Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Appropriated Art Gallery

Appropriated Art
These artworks will be passed out as postcards at the Bezazian and Archer Heights Libraries.

Francisca Gutierrez "Flowers"
Maribel Abraham "The Storm"
Joel Alameida "The Archangel"

Elise Alvarez "The Ex-Boyfriend"

Diamond Claybon "The Three Men"

Jose Corona "Good Vs. Evil"

Roberto Gomez "Moby Dick Revisited"

Miguel Gonzalez

Sydney Gresham "Shop-a-holic?"
Alexis Gutierrez "Einstein The Great"

Lynale Kimble "Mickey and Donald's Fun Park"

Joanna Lopez "Sadness"

Elizabeth Martinez "A Day In Paris"

Robert Negrete "War Zone"

Mario Ochoa

Francisco Ortega "The End of the World"

Jonatan Palomar "War"

David Reed "The Sail"

Gregorio Rojas "Toast"

Alejandro Saucedo "American Cholo"

Victor Solis "Game Life"

Carina Torres "The Old Lady"

Cheyenne Watkins "Synchronicity"

Niya Weathers "Color Meets Nature"

Jaime Robles "Real Lisa"

Jesus Zepeda "Devour"

Adan Barragan "BAM!"

Appropriated Art - On Display and Free Art

Appropriated Art

How Are Artists Inspired?

Guerrilla students studied the history of appropriating other artist's images, styles or ideas. This is a long history going back to the beginning of civilization.  

Street/Guerrilla Artists often use other artists or popular cultural references in their artwork. 

We went with this long tradition by studying how to take another artist's work and make it our own. It is important not to just copy, but to take and transform with our own ideas thereby adding our personal vision and voice. 

We researched artists and chose one that spoke to us personally. We then learned the process of making Tape Transfers of one of the artist's works. We cut up the "stolen" imagery and appropriated it into collage/drawings, transforming it into our own artwork. The layering of media was important to achieving a sense of depth and complexity for our aesthetics. 

Original artworks are on display at the Archer Heights Library. 

Free give-away of the artworks in the form of trading cards are being given out at the Archer Heights and Bezazian Libraries, as well as many hidden places around Chicago!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

'Zine Update
The 3rd Zine! 

"Where are they?"      Somewhere in the City...