Monday, December 10, 2012

The Soldiers


  1. There once a time when the war of two different sides the east blue soliders against the west brown soliders. they wanted to get back the solider daughter from the brown soliders. As they meet up at the battleground 3 robot appear in the sky. they wanted to take over the whole world. as the 3 robots were in the sky watching the soliders fighting and shotting each other. as the robots make their move the war have began and it everyone for themselves now

    (Francisco Ortega)Recorder

  2. This kind of reminds me of a game called "sarges heroes" which is about a war between green soldiers and tan soldiers which is kind of what is happening here.

  3. This work could of be more nice
    mario ochoa

    1. MARIO, what do you mean? What could have made it better? What was your experience setting it up? How did you imagine it should be and why are you disappointed? What happened that made you feel this way?
