Saturday, December 1, 2012

'Zines Out in the World

'Zine News

Guerrilla 'Zines have been distributed. One copy of each has gone on a 'Zine exchange with Hazelwood West High School in St. Charles, MO. The art students of Carla Tuetken have also made 'Zines and have sent us copies in return.

The other set of our 'Zines are at Quimby's Bookstore (as previously posted) and free to any of you that walks in!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms. Xanos & her Curie High 'Zine exchange participants,
    The 'zines arrived today and I will be sharing them with my students on Monday, Jan. 7th. They are wonderfully made and I am inspired by the works and thoughts of those I have viewed today.
    Thank you for the FREE 'Zines!
    Carla Tuetken
    Hazelwood West High School
